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How Do I Change My S Corp to an LLC?

Converting S Corp to an LLC involves planning out the conversion in detail, gaining the approval of all members and shareholders of your company, and filing the required paperwork.


When Are Quarterly Taxes Due for My LLC? Answers to the Top 5 Questions About Your Quarterly Taxes

If you are a new entrepreneur who is starting a business for the first time, one of the biggest differences between being a business owner instead of an employee is how you pay taxes, which includes...


DIY Taxes or Hire a Professional? Why It Matters.

When it comes to filing your small business taxes, it all boils down to two options: following the DIY method and filing your own taxes, or working with a professional such as a CPA, qualified tax...


Your Guide to 2023 Tax Brackets and Federal Income Tax Rates

Let’s begin with the bad news: This past year, Americans have seen a steep rise in inflation. In fact, it’s been the steepest rise in inflation in over 40 years. Products and services cost more in...


How Are Series LLCs Taxed? Everything You Need to Know

There are a number of benefits to choosing a series LLC as your business structure. You get necessary liability protection, plus business flexibility. But what many business owners don’t think about...


8 Tax Filing Tips for Small Businesses

It’s almost tax time! For most small business owners, this time is all about finding ways to save money and maximize deductions. It can all be a bit overwhelming, even if you’re savvy with numbers.


What Is Pass-Through Taxation and What Types of Business Entities Allow It?

Even if you’re still in the early stages of starting a business, it’s not too early to think about taxes — especially in terms of pass-through taxation. Your choice of business entity can affect the...


Taxes & Write-Offs for Your Solopreneur or Freelance Business

Running a freelance business comes with a host of expenses — health insurance, purchasing office equipment, and self-employment taxes, to name a few. To offset the additional costs of being a...


How to Get a Tax ID Number for a Business

If you’re running or starting a company in the U.S., you’ll need a business Tax Identification Number (TIN). You use this number to properly report and file your business and personal taxes with your...


Get a Free Tax Consultation: Prep Your Small Business for the 2023 Tax Season With Incfile

As a small business owner, your time is valuable. When you add taxes and accounting to your daily task list, it’s easy to feel like you’re being spread too thin. From dealing with ever-changing...